Level 1: Data Enthusiast

Stater pack to get the feel of power of data and dashboards

Starter pack gives you access to 100 dashboards. All Councils have access to this through Taituarā LGSectorGoodToolkit

Instilling the data capability within the organisation and community

What’s included in our Data Enthusiast subscription level?
  • Access to 100 dashboards covering topics on Social Wellbeing, Cultural Wellbeing, Economic Wellbeing, Environmental Wellbeing and Demographics
  • Access the dashboards through Data n Dashboards Tableau Cloud Site
  • Interact with visualisations and dashboards
  • Download visualisations as images (.pdf, .png)
  • Download summary data in Excel and CSV formats
  • Access to user guides on how to interact with dashboards 
Data Lake
  • Not available under this subscription
Collaborative Working
  • Download visualisations or dashboards as images (.pdf, .png) and share it
Organisation Internal Solution
  • Not available under this subscription
Ongoing Support
  • Ongoing support for existing dashboards
  • Access to Data n Dashboards Forum dedicated to this subscription

Request a demo

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Select a time in our calendar at the link provided below to discuss it further or write us an email at   mubashir@datandashboards.co.nz

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